Excel Formula to convert Numbers to words in Rupees (نمبروں کو الفاظ میں تبدیل کرنے کا ایکسل فارمولا)

There are no builtin formula in Micro Soft Excel for convert number into work however you can use Spellnumber() formula to convert numbers to words in excel which is an add-ins as below step

  • Excel does not include this function in its functions library!
  • But you can enable this function in Excel using VB Script and Macro Enabled worksheets.
  • You can do this by implementing the Spellnumber () function in MS Excel!
  • Using Macro Enabled Worksheet is a temporary solution because you have to copy and paste the code into VB Script and make your file Save as Macro Enabled Worksheet.
  • So I decided to go one step further and use Spellnumber () to find a permanent solution forever!
  • You can download that file from here!


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