If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stuck or just need a quick mental reset. Sometimes the smallest habit provides the biggest change and if you’re able to combine several tiny habits into a routine, that’s when you’re really reaping the benefits.

Here’s a simple yet powerful 10-minute routine that incorporates 10 small habits to refresh your mind and energize your body anytime and anywhere.
1. Desk Declutter
Start with your immediate environment that’s usually your work table. So, take 1 minute to clean as much as possible. You can file documents and sort documents on your desktop. You can clean your keyboard and monitor or laptop. You can reorganize your stationary. You can just do something that makes your working environment a little bit neater. By engaging in this physical act of decluttering, not only will create a more visually appealing work space but you’ll also experience a sense of satisfaction and clarity. This process of tidying up your desk can have a positive impact on your mental states allowing you to approach your work with a refreshed and focused mind, ready to tackle the tasks.

2. Idea Logging
Another thing you can do in 1 minute is grab a notepad and jot down new ideas. It doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, just whatever pops into your head. This habit can help you keep up your creativity flowing and ensures you capture those fleeting thoughts that could turn into something big. This habit shows that you’re creating the space and time to give yourself freedom to jot down things that could actually become really big ideas and strategies. Another benefit of this practice is that it allows you to exercise your brain and expand your thinking capacity by regularly engaging in the act of generating new ideas. You stimulate your mind and ability to come up with new solutions to old problems. It’s like giving your brain a workout.

Furthermore, the act of writing down your ideas helps to consolidate your memory. When you put pen to paper or type them on a digital platform, you’re reinforcing the neural connections related to those ideas. This can result in improved retention and recall making it easier for you to access and build upon those ideas in future.
3. Digital Declutter
You can also use 1 minute to do some digital decluttering. For instance, opening up your email account and looking at all the junk that goes in there. So, promotional emails, newsletters you don’t actually read. It takes 1 minute for you to unsubscribe that one newsletter. Additionally, you can also review the apps installed on your devices. Lastly, you can deactivate any social media accounts that are no longer serving a purpose to your life.

4. Random Learning
Knowledge is a really important asset that provides you with a lot of valuable things in your life. Learning not only enriches your understanding of your life but it is also a way for you to engage in more insightful and powerful conversation with others and it is actually also an escape mechanism. Take use of social media and take 1 minute to read the article popping up and you’ll instantly get something new.

5. Quick Movement
Moving for one minute. It doesn’t have to be some formal exercise or workout routine. Just doing some sort of movement, stretching for one minute can really improve your well-being throughout the day. Engage in activities such as gentle stretching, jumping jacks or even just walking. This type of movement is not only proven to alleviate stress but it also enhances your overall energy levels.

6. Calendar Glance
Another thing that you can just do in one minute is open your calendar and review the to-do list for today. So, just take a few seconds to assess any upcoming appointments, the task you need to do by the end of the day. See if there’s anything that you’ve already checked from your list. Additionally, you can use this time to reflect on any unfinished task from yesterday and strategize on how to tackle them effectively. Taking these proactive steps will ensure that you start your day with clarity and purpose.

7. Hydration Hit
Hydration plays an important role in maintaining an optimum brain function and even a slight decrease in water intake can have a negative effect on concentration, mood and overall cognitive performance.

8. Goal Setting
Engaging in some sort of goal setting and here you have one minute. So, what I recommend is either write down your goals for the day or just write down your goals for the year. Something that you’re working towards, something that you want to make progress on and something that you’re visualizing long-term and you really want that thing to happen. Having a written goal allows you to track your progress and celebrate your accomplishments. It serves as a reminder of what you want to achieve and keeps you accountable.

9. Expenses Tracking
One really effective way to improve your financial health is taking one minute to jot down your expenses for the day. When you constantly keep track of your finances, you really cut back on that anxiety and stress that comes in with your money management. This habit not only keeps you stay aware of your spending expenses but also allows you to identify areas where you can make adjustments or improvements.

10. Sending a Text
The final one-minute habit is sending a text. Here the possibilities are endless. Send a text to someone you love, just ask them how they’re doing. Do a bit of networking. Staying connected with your friends and family will allow you to be a better friend and also it will make you livelier and happier.

I recommend you to add these 10 tiny habits as recurring tasks to your task manager or calendar, if you really want to improve and simplify your workflow. Make these habits your routine and make 2024 a much better year for you to enjoy and do best for yourself.