


Dengue viruses are spread to people through the bite of an infected Aedes species (Ae. aegypti or Ae. albopictus) mosquito.

Symptoms of Dengue:
The most common symptoms are fever and one or more of the following
• Headache
• Eye pain (typically behind the eyes)
• Muscle, joint, or bone pain
• Rash
• Nausea and vomiting


1.Through Mosquito Bites
Dengue viruses are spread to people through the bites of infected Aedes species mosquitoes (Ae. aegypti or Ae. albopictus). These are the same types of mosquitoes that spread Zika and Chikungunya viruses.
• These mosquitoes typically lay eggs near standing water in containers that hold water, like buckets, bowls, animal dishes, flower pots, and vases.
• These mosquitoes prefer to bite people, and live both indoors and outdoors near people.
• Mosquitoes that spread dengue, chikungunya, and Zika bite during the day and night.
• Mosquitoes become infected when they bite a person infected with the virus. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to other people through bites.

2.From mother to child
• A pregnant woman already infected with dengue can pass the virus to her fetus during pregnancy or around the time of birth.

3.Through infected blood, laboratory, or healthcare setting exposures
Rarely, dengue can be spread through blood transfusion, organ transplant, or through a needle stick injury.

Prevent Dengue: Here’s How
• No medicine is available to treat dengue.
• Avoid infection by preventing mosquito bites.
• The Dengue Vaccine is ONLY approved for use in children 9–16 years old with laboratory-confirmed evidence of a previous dengue virus infection and living in areas of the United States where dengue is common (U.S. territories of American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the freely associated states, including the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau).
Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants
• Treat items, such as boots, pants, socks, and tents, with 0.5% permethrin or buy permethrin-treated clothing and gear.
Take steps to control mosquitoes inside and outside your home
• Use screens on windows and doors. Repair holes in screens to keep mosquitoes outside.
• Once a week, empty and scrub, turn over, cover, or throw out items that hold water, such as tires, buckets, planters, toys, pools, birdbaths, flowerpots, or trash containers. Check inside and outside your home. Mosquitoes lay eggs near water.

• See a healthcare provider if you develop a fever or have symptoms of dengue. Tell him or her about your travel.
• Rest as much as possible.
• Take acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol outside of the United States) to control fever and relieve pain.
o Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen!
• Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. Drink water or drinks with added electrolytes.

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