Livestock Sector!

Being major player in the national economy, livestock sector is accepted as an economy engine for poverty alleviation in Pakistan. According to economic survey of Pakistan 2013-14, its contribution to agriculture value added is approximately 55.9 % and to national GDP is 11.8 % with Gross Value Addition of Rs. 776.5 billion (2013-14), showing an increase of 2.7 percent as compared to last year.

Livestock of Pakistan include cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, camels, horses, asses and mules and they produce milk, meat, wool, hair, bones, fat, blood eggs, hides and skins among which milk and meet are the major products. Besides production, these animals are also used for draught purposes. As per IFCN (International Farms Comparison Network) Dairy Report 2014, Pakistan is 3rd largest milk producing country in the world. Milk is produced by buffalo, cattle, sheep, goat and camel but being major contributor in milk production, cattle and buffalo are considered as major dairy animals.

Buffalos found in Pakistan make up 47% of Pakistan’s major dairy animal’s population providing more than about 61% of the total milk produced in the country. Buffalo breeds found in Pakistan are Nili Ravi, Kundi and Aza Kheli. Nili Ravi is considered the best buffalo breed in world and known as Black Gold of Pakistan. Cattle constitute about 53% of the national population of major dairy animals in Pakistan and contribute the share of almost 35% to the total milk production in country. The cattle breeds found in the country are Sahiwal, Cholistani, Red Sndhi, Achai, Bhagnari, Dajal, Dhanni, Gibrali, Kankraj, Lohani, Rojhan, and Thari. Out of these, Sahiwal, Cholistani, and Red Sindhi are main dairy breeds and well known internationally due to their distinct characteristics. Other than well-defined cattle breeds, there are a large number of nondescript and crossbred cattle in this country. Over last ten years, the importance of crossbred animals has been increased due to start of the development in dairy sector on commercial lines. The crossbred animals are mostly preferred for commercial dairy farms due to their higher production. Mostly cross of local cows (like Sahiwal and Cholistani) with imported cows (like Holstein Friesian and Jersey) is demanded by such farms. Besides our local and crossbred animals, imported animals are also the part of dairy cow family of Pakistan. Corporate Dairy Farms prefer dairy animals from other countries and run their farms on most modern lines with international expertise. Almost 95% of imported dairy animals in Pakistan belong to Australia while other 5% from Sweden. The breeds of these imported animals are Holstein Friesian, Jersey and Freisian Jersey Cross. Within few months, American Cattle will also enjoy the four weathers of our country.

Sheep and goats are reared in rural areas but their main purpose is mutton production. The milk produced from these small ruminants is used domestically. Camel is the animal of nomads who raise this animal to sell on Eid ul Adha. The milk produced is used to meet the family needs. Some nomads also sell camel milk in urban areas and its demand is increasing day by day due to medicinal value. If we work on camel breeds, we can find camel as a good dairy animal.

More than 96% of the milk produced in Pakistan comes from cattle and buffalo. The rest of it is collectively produced by sheep, goat and camel which, most of the time, is not sold as such, rather consumed domestically or mixed with buffalo and cow milk.

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