

Remember Your Dreams!!!

We all have things that we were believing for, dreams that we want to accomplish. Maybe it’s to see our family restore, lose some weight, break an addiction, or start our own business. But sometimes as it goes on month after month even year after year, we don’t see anything changing. It’s easy to get discouraged and think it’s never going to happen. This is as good as it gets, I’ll just learn to live with. We all go through disappointments, setbacks, or loss. Pain is a part of life.  

Sometimes we look at pieces in our lives that don’t make sense. The key is what we do in our times of pain. Pain will change us. Heartache, loss or disappointments don’t leave us the same. Every painful time even though you don’t like it, it’s developing something in you that can only be developed through tough times. Eventually that will pass. You will get through this but you’ll be different. In those tough times, when you’re uncomfortable, going through a loss, dealing with an illness, you could easily let it overwhelm you. Now how the pain changes you is up to you.  

You can come out bitter or you can come out better.

You can come out defeated giving up on your dreams or you can come out with a new passion, a new fire, excited about the new opportunities in front of you. I may not like it but I’m not a whiner. I’m a warrior. I know I can handle this. Don’t complain about the pain. Without the pain, we couldn’t reach the fullness of our destinies. Sometimes we bring pain on ourselves. We made poor choices; get in a relationship we know is not good.

“If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear them anymore.” – Michele Ruiz

There will always be forces trying to convince us to settle where we are. Life has a way of pushing our dreams down. There are dreams buried under low self-esteem, buried under discouragements or buried under past mistakes. It’s easy to settle for mediocrity even though we have all the potential buried under inside. What are you remembering? Pain, disappointments or what doesn’t work out. Turn around and remember your dreams. It’s not too late to become all what you were created to be.

Every time you remember your dream, you’re removing the dirt, you’re digging it out. The true mark of a champion is even though some dirt gets thrown on your dreams. Instead of letting it get buried, you keep shaking it off.

Why should you continue going after your dreams? Because seeing the look on the faces of the people who said you couldn’t… will be priceless.” —Kevin Ngo

If your dream isn’t still alive, you wouldn’t have so many things coming against you. Your dream is still there. Maybe you have tried a year ago or five years ago, didn’t work out. There was nobody to help you. Go back and try it again. This is your time. This is your moment. Your destiny is calling out to you. Can I just tell you something? Your dream isn’t dead. It’s just not in season. Your time is coming. Just not forget your dream and keep moving. I have heard this phrase, and it always brings me comfort in the worst times: “What you desire, desires you.”

The adversity is temporary. The glory is eternal.

This may not happen the first time. The loan didn’t go through, you didn’t get chosen for the part, or the medical reports wasn’t okay. That’s okay. It’s still in you. Shake off the doubt. Shake off the negativity. You’re at the right place. You’re at the right time. Now all you’ve got to do is get in the right frame of mind. I believe this is the year to get healthy and home. This is my year to meet the people of my dreams. This is my year to go further in my career, to step into a new level of my destiny. This is my year to accomplish my dreams, to break free from my depression. This is your year for new and better beginnings.

If you are reading this, know that you are not alone. You are valued and appreciated just for being you. You have the strength and resilience to overcome any challenge that comes your way. Keep pushing forward and never give up on your dreams. Remember that you are capable of achieving greatness and making a positive impact in the world. Believe in yourself and trust in your abilities. You’ve got this!

"Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them."

4 thoughts on “Remember Your Dreams!!!”

  1. Your blog consistently delivers valuable and thought-provoking content, making it a go-to source for inspiration.

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