Learn Blogging in easy way!

Learn blogging in easy way in new idea launched by wehelpf9.com. This is fresh course and you will learn a lot during this course. I am sure learn blogging course will get more appreciation by you, your family & friends. So Blogginglets’s start

Why Blogging?

This is the very common question asked by many new bloggers. Blogging is the easiest way to earn online and make money online in Pakistan. Blogging is fun and you learn & earn a lot during this journey. For me blogging is Fun and my income as well.

Blogging boost your social links.

You can build social links via blogging and tell your society that what you have, what you have learned and what you can share. For example if you are a MS Excel expert and make a blog about working of MS Excel and educate other how to excellent work with MS Excel, you will get a lot of visitors and your blog will be valuable for new users and other fellow MS Excel. Even if you share working files there, you will more value. The new visitors will appreciate your work and you will earn via your blog. You can start your career as a freelancer / Trainer.

Blogging can make you smart.

Blogging makes you better thinker and analyzer. You can analyze things more precisely and learn more from your daily life. Because you write about something you like and love it get appreciation from others automatically. Blogging schedules your life, you spend a scheduled life after starting a blog.

Blogging make you a rich.

Yes, money is the second fruit of the blogging. You bog, you drive traffic to your blog and this makes you rich. It gives you money and confidence. You make a good amount of money online.

Earn money online.

You have to learn it by yourself with me. Making more money with blogging involves serval processes that are not limited to article writing, back linking, SEO, keywords research. After server updates of google search algorithms SEO has become manual.

What is secret blogging success formula?

The secret of a successful blog lies in the blogger mind. The principles for a successful blog are

  • Write constantly (even once or twice a week)
  • Create quality backlinks
  • Include videos in your posts
  • Stay updates with trends of your blog
  • Be social. Search engines like social links

These are my blogging success secrets that I have shared with you. I love to listen comments from you.

Please share your thoughts, ideas & interest with me. I am here to guide you always.

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