Organo-metallic compounds:

Organometallic compounds:

“Organometallic compounds are those compounds that have at least one carbon-metal compound.”

Grignard reagent:

They are named after the Victor Grignard (Nobel prize 1912) who discovered and developed their use as synthetic reagent.

General formula:

RMgX or R-MgX

Where: R=alkyl or aryl group
X=halogens (Cl,Br,I)


•They are prepared in laboratory by the action of alkyl halides on magnesium metal in presence of dry ether.
•Dry ether is pure anhydrous diethyl ether.
R-X + Mg…R-MgX

Laboratory method:

~The apparatus uses round bottom flask which is fitted with a reflux condenser and a dropping funnel.

~Magnesium ribbon cut into small pieces is suspended in dry ether placed in round bottom flask.

~Approximately 1:1 mixture of the alkyl halide and dry ether is placed in dropping funnel.

~Add 2-3 ml of solution from the dropping funnel into round bottom flask and wait till reaction

~When reaction starts, the ether becomes cloudy an also begins to boil gently. Further,
there are visible signs of attack on magnesium.

~If the reaction doesn’t start, drop one or two crystals of iodine in the flask.

~Once the reaction starts, the addition of solution from the dropping funnel is maintained at such
rate that the ether refluxes gently.

~When the reaction Is complete, a clear solution of the Grignard reagent in ether is obtained.

~This is then treated with IN SITU with various reagents to get desired synthetic products.

Role of ether:

Usually diethyl ether is used as a solvent. It is thought that two ether oxygen atoms complex with magnesium atom, stabilizing the reagent.


1.All reagent should be anhydrous and apparatus oven-dried. Moisture reacts with Grignard reagent
an prevents its formation.

RMgX + water…RH + MgX(OH)

2.There should be no naked flames anywhere near the apparatus. Diethyl ether catches fire very quickly.

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