Ranking the top T20 leagues (self.Cricket)!

Ranking the top T20 leagues (self.Cricket)

submitted 5 months ago by FireFistYamaan

So without spreading any hate, I would like to know how the leagues are ranked by Reddit users. Without any bias, here are favorite T20 leagues.

IPL Obviously, the IPL is the first, 10 editions of the cricket league that started the trend of premier leagues. The money in it is insane and the average attendance is around 32k per match. Which is the 5th highest average attendance in sports leagues around the world.

BBL The Australian T20 league is also in the top 10 most attended leagues in the world. For me personally, this league is one of the most, if not the most entertaining cricket league. It’s something personal but I enjoy cricket on Austrailian soil a lot!

PSL Let’s be honest here, the PSL has been a gigantic hit. Cricket was losing popularity in Pakistan but the PSL lit the fire once again. While people will argue that the not a lot of matches are sellouts, you can’t expect that when the PSL is being held in Dubai. It’s also been a great asset to bringing Cricket back to Pakistan, while also contributing with talents that have lifted the Pakistan cricket team. By this, I’m talking about their CT2017 triumph.

CPL Another very entertaining league, which is hard to catch for someone living in Europe because of the timings. The league calls its self “the biggest party in sport” and it can’t be hard to figure out why. The Carribean crowd is awesome and you really have a great time when watching a match. They’re also trying to get Americans into cricket by arranging a couple of matches in the US, which is always welcome.

BPL/NatWest T20 Blast I know a lot of my Bangladeshi friends will be upset but hear me out. I really think it’s a good league, but I don’t enjoy it as much as the other leagues. Of course, the BPL has produced some great players, one of my favorite players in fact (Mustafizur) but the problem I have is the lack of originality. I personally think that the other league, while trying to be like IPL and BBL, still have their own unique identity which makes them special. I don’t feel that from the Bangladesh T20 league.

The Natwest T20 league again is great and it’s not as electric as other T20 leagues are. For example, I think the best country for test cricket in England. Because the crowd appreciates test cricket a lot more than other countries (this doesn’t include Austrailia). T20 has to grow in England and they have to bring in bigger and more foreign players. Still a decent league though.

Hope I didn’t spread any hate, that really isn’t my intention. What leagues do you all enjoy the most?

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6 years ago

Good post. I’m facing a few of these issues as

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