The Power of Making Others Feel Special and Heard

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a special gesture or experience that changes your mindset?

The truth is that we all want to be appreciated since it elicits the ideology that our existence is relevant to someone else. It creates a world where we can feel cherished and valued while making a difference in someone else’s journey! The appreciation between each other allows one sole entity: humanity itself –a simple word yet loaded with meaning.

According to Philosopher William James,

“The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.”

Be the person who brings joy to others and makes them feel valued every day—it’s easier than you might think!

I strongly believe in the saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” But when you do have something kind to share, seize every opportunity to do so! If you appreciate someone’s efforts, let them know. If you think someone is doing an excellent job, tell them. We don’t do this nearly as often as we should. If expressing your feelings feels awkward, you’re fortunate to live in an era of modern technology! There are plenty of ways to communicate that can make it less uncomfortable. A simple text, email, or even a post-it note can be an easy way to let someone know they’re special to you and that you appreciate them.

It requires little effort on your part but will make a huge difference in their day.

It doesn’t have to cost a lot or take up a ton of time or energy; there are small things you can do to help someone feel special and supported that make a big impact. 

The most important part of any “thinking of you” gesture, however, is that it is thoughtful, genuine and authentic. 

How to make others feel special

Below is a list of ways to make others feel seen, heard, appreciated, and special. These suggestions will help you spread happiness and joy to the people you care about.

You never know what someone needs to hear, but a genuine compliment will always go a long way in brightening their day, so just pick what feels right!

1. Hug Them at Any Time

There are plenty of gestures that change through time. However, hugs will never go out of fashion. Hugging is universally comforting, and it can make us feel healthier and happier.

Scientists have shown that a hug is more than just an inner force you feel when holding a baby.

A hug can enlighten someone’s brain associated with stress and reduce it, increase heart health by improving circulation in the body, and alleviate pain or nostalgia altogether!

So next time there is someone who needs to be made happy (or put at ease), give them this medicine: A HUG!!!

2. Make time for them 

It sounds so simple but it can really make a huge impact on how someone is feeling when you offer to carve out time just for them. Offer to make a meal with or for them or to go for a long walk together or even to just watch a movie together. 

Whatever the activity that you share together it will be time well spent and help them feel more connected to you. When you’re with them, put your phone away and focus on each other without distractions. Our phones seem to dictate our lives these days; the more time we can spend with loved ones without them, the more meaningful the quality time.

One of the most profound ways to make someone feel special is by being fully present. In conversations, put away distractions like your phone or other gadgets. Look the person in the eye, nod, and show that you’re genuinely interested in what they have to say. It’s a simple act, but it communicates that they matter to you and that you value their thoughts and feelings.

3. Bring in the Calvary

Remember how special you felt when your friends organized a birthday party for you? Or perhaps your bachelorette party or bridal shower? It’s a truly wonderful feeling to know you have people in your life who care deeply for you and spend their time and energy creating events on your behalf. But we don’t always need a special occasion like those to come together and show up for a loved one. In fact, community support is more needed when someone is feeling down or going through a difficult time. 

If you really want to make someone, feel special and lift their spirits, bring your friends together for a casual dinner or outing. Take the time while together to share one memory or thing you love about the person you’re trying to lift up. They will remember that support and love and it will do a world of good for helping them to feel special and cared for.

4. Send them a handwritten note

If you’re not able to be by their side for whatever reason, consider sending them a handwritten note about why you care about them. Highlight what makes them special to you and share a specific happy memory you have of them. It doesn’t have to be pages and pages long, but do make sure it’s more than five sentences so your loved one really feels like you took time away from your day to write them a special message. 

In our digital age, it is so meaningful to receive “snail mail”. Most of our mail these days is bills, circulars and the odd magazine. Finding an out of the blue card in the mail is such a special moment, especially if it’s handwritten by one of your favorite people.

5. Acknowledge their feelings 

Much has been written about toxic positivity, these last few years, and rightly so. We live in a culture where we have been quick to brush off any hardship or struggle with throw away expressions like “oh, you’ll be fine” or “it’s not that bad”. Don’t do that! It diminishes what your loved one is going through and will only negatively impact your relationship. 

Instead, acknowledge their feelings, their pain, their fears –whatever the case may be. Take the time to look them in the eye and acknowledge their feelings. If you’re not sure what to say in response, you can always say as much and then “I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. What can I do to help?” Many times there isn’t much you can do to help; they just need someone to listen to them.

6. Send them a thoughtful gift

Thoughtful gifts can go a long way in terms of showing appreciation and love. Don’t worry – you don’t have to get stressed about how big it is! The essence comes from the detail, which shows how important they are to you.

Have you ever had a surprise delivery arrive at your home or even an unexpected gift from someone? Yep, we know that feeling- you’re blown away, right? We can assure you that is one of the best feelings that you can make someone experience. The person will know that you put your heart and soul into it, so take this action at any time!

Imagine what our world would be like if everyone could find time for one action that makes someone feel better. It doesn’t have to be big or fancy, just there when they need it most! We are all on a constant quest for meaning in life. While the mission defines us, appreciation brings out our best selves and transcends all else- it’s what makes each day feel worth living! Why not spread some love and appreciation today? This will make others feel extraordinary, which in turn makes you happy. It’s a win-win!

Be creative and think ones that fit and are comfortable for you. Think about what you would appreciate someone saying or doing for you. Every person wants to be acknowledged, cared about and listened to. The more someone feels acknowledged and appreciated, the more they will excel in what they do and the more happiness they will have to share with others. When we help to make people feel special, we are bettering their world and ours.

I challenge you to make it a daily habit to make at least one person feel special and heard. It could be a colleague, a friend, a family member, or even a stranger. You’ll find that the more you give, the more you receive in return. Your relationships will deepen, your connections will grow stronger, and you’ll contribute to a more compassionate and understanding world.

So, start today. Be the reason someone smiles, feels valued, and knows they are heard. The impact may be greater than you’ll ever know

How do you make others feel special?

Do you have anything to add to this list?

Tell us in the comment section below!

6 thoughts on “The Power of Making Others Feel Special and Heard”

  1. uniquepoetry8a86869030

    A random act of kindness to your friend, colleague or stranger can be one of those acts that can make them feel special. A simple compliment “You’re glowing today”, “I’m so proud of you”, “I know you’re gonna make it” or even a big smile can make them feel great.

    I personally love hand written notes for my friends and colleagues; to see the most satisfying and bright smile on their face.

    1. I appreciate your thoughts on this. Surely, such kind notes can add value to our relations and daily activities.

  2. Give them fresh flowers or a diy butterfly 🦋 bouquet
    Leave them random morning paragraphs on WhatsApp especially when they are feeling low
    If they love to read gift them a book or take them to a library or book shopping
    Order their favourite food
    Listen to them rant about the same stuff for the 100000th timee

    1. Absolutely love these thoughtful ideas🌷. Your ideas perfectly highlight how meaningful small, consistent acts of love can be.

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