We are living in an era of technology and we’re always striving for more and more. In this struggle to get more, we often don’t us enough time. We put ourselves in so much pressure that we get frustrated from our day-to-day life. If you want to fix your life, I’ve got you 5 tips that can help you calm down and fix your life. These habits can be implemented in your daily life and will give you some inner satisfaction and calmness.
View morning sunlight everyday:
Getting sunlight in the eyes first thing in the morning is absolutely vital for mental and physical health. It promotes metabolic wellbeing, the positive function of your hormones and mental health. Get outdoors (even if it’s a cloudy day) without sunglasses. How long is going to depend on the brightness of the environment; 2 minutes is the minimum and 20-30 minutes is the ideal. Don’t stare directly at the sun. ideally, combine being it with a walk to promote optic flow.
The walk stimulates the neurons in the eyes that convey to the brain that it is daytime, and is time to be alert. This sets in motion a cascade of biological responses into the right path. Early in the day we experience a spike in healthy cortisol. It promotes wakefulness and a healthy immune system. It is important that this spike arrives early in the day. It happens every 24 hours no matter what. But we “decide” when it happens. The spike happens when we first see sunlight.

Getting sunlight first thing in the morning signals to the body that it’s time to wake up; it also helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm, which will, in turn, signal it’s time to sleep later that night. And more, getting sunlight is the best way to absorb vitamin D, or the sunshine Vitamin- long championed for improving bone and immune strength. Research suggests vitamin D may also improve brain function and memory.
As conventional wisdom had told us for centuries, getting enough sleep helps us feel better mentally and physically. General guidelines recommend adults get at least seven hours of sleep each night. It helps decrease stress, regulate the body’s internal systems, and improve mood. Research says sleep is the best stress reliever, trauma releaser, immune booster, and emotional stabilizer. Establishing a wind-down routine for 30 minutes to an hour before bed, going to bed and rising at the same time, and sleeping in dark, cool environments can also bolster the quantity and quality of your sleep.

Another pillar we are far too familiar with is the importance of exercise. Research advises incorporating resistance, mobility, and cardio into your routine, albeit not all on the same day. National guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity exercise or 70 minutes of intense exercise each week, along with at least two days of strength training. Movement can help the brain stay strong, improve cardiovascular health, and reduce stress.

Yes, eat healthy. A diet rich in many kinds of whole foods, from fruits and vegetables to nuts, seeds, and legumes can strengthen the gut microbiome. A diverse gut microbiome can improve immune and brain function. Maintain a diet rich in plants, proteins and fiber can ensure you get the right amount of food that keeps you feeling full and energetic for longer; highly processed sugary foods can cause you to crash and get even hungrier.

Social connection:
We are in a loneliness epidemic. Feeling socially isolated has health consequences comparable to smoking up to 15 cigarettes daily. Moreover, loneliness can increase the risk of developing dementia, depression, and anxiety, among other health conditions. Beyond the health benefits of feeling connected, the power of our social relationships largely determines the level of our happiness. Keeping and making friends from childhood to middle age and beyond is an integral part of staying healthy.

Get out of toxic relations. Also, toxic relationships aren’t exclusive to romantic ones. If the people around you like friends, co-workers or family members are causing you stress or anxiety it can have a huge impact on your health. It’s harder to address because these are people you can’t just get rid of immediately but find healthy ways to address those relationships by either cutting them off slowly or creating a game plan to improve the relationship to reduce stress/anxiety.
Try to incorporate these habits in your daily life and you’ll see some positivity in your life. Let’s get on a track to be more positive and fulfill in our lives and adopt habits that will serve us longer.

Nice brief.