Most people don’t reach their dream not because of failure. Most people don’t live their dream because they give up. You see it’s not the failure that stops them but that they stopped at their first failure. Those who succeed don’t stop at one failure, they don’t stop at their tenth failure nor they stopped at their millionth failure. They say,” This is my goal. I’m going to achieve it and I’m going to do whatever it takes.” I’ll learn the lessons from my failures. I’ll not stop until my dream is a reality. That’s the difference between success and failure. Failure is a massive part of being able to be successful. You have to get comfortable with failure, you have to actually seek failure. Failure is where all of the lessons are.

Successful people fail a lot. They actually fail more than they succeed. They extract the lessons form their failure and they use that energy and wisdom to come around to the next phase of success. The practice is a controlled failure. You’re getting to your limit, until you get to the point that your body makes the adjustment and then you can do it. Failure actually helps you to recognize the areas where you need to evolve. So, fail early, fail often and fail forward. Your failure means that you’re trying. You’re trying what you can’t do right now. You are trying to make it happen and one day you’ll make it happen. Winners don’t enjoy failure but they don’t let failure stop them.
Learn why you failed and make sure you don’t fail again. Make sure you’re stronger for having a lesson. Ask yourself, do you want to be a person who fear failure? Or do you want to be a person who is successful? Because you can’t be both. If you fear failure, you can’t be successful.
Failing is not permanent. You get right back up and keep going and this time you’re going to be stronger and wiser and you’ll be more driven than ever. And for every failure, you’ll land success. You have to love success so much that you’re willing to fail ten times before you can succeed once. That’s how a winner does it.