I think the best thing you can do for yourself and other people is allow them to grow up. What does it mean to let everyone around you grow up? It means to allow people to be who they are without swooping in.
We must let people around us be happy. We must let them explore and grow. Especially your kids. We, often as parents, bound our kids to do whatever we want them to. We want them to pursue the career we wanted them to. We want them to make friends of our choice. We want them to go to places of our choice. We want them to not make mistakes that we’ve made. But with that, we don’t let them explore the world. Without exploring, they can’t grow. No one learns from others’ mistakes. Everyone will learn a lesson from their own choices and mistakes.

Everybody has the freedom to explore things according to his/her thinking. Let kids think on their own. Curiosity never killed the cat. Curiosity only educated the cat. Exploration is the only thing that can help a person grow, and if you stop people from exploring, they will never grow. Don’t stop your children from exploring the world. If you have the right that you can explore the world, you do whatever you want to grow. Then your child has the right to explore and grow. The lesson is if you stop your children to explore things they will never grow.
You just have to love people and let them go, explore and grow on their own. Your kids are also individuals in themselves. They also have their own thoughts and choices. Let them have that and let them make choices according to their view and perspective.
Give space in your heart for your growth and nourish the growth of others. For then you will know that you have truly grown; when you allow others to enter their power. Letting someone grow up is the best gift you can give someone. Letting yourself grow up is the best gift you can give yourself.