There was a young boy with a big dream. He dreamed about playing football his entire life and he got pretty good at it. He started playing and practicing. So, his parents thought why not try this kid and they took him to one of the big clubs. Among all the kids, the club would sign some of them. They saw him, he was so good but there was something wrong with him? He was too small. They got him checked from the doctors and the boy got diagnosed with a disease that effected his football journey. He had been born with a growth hormone deficiency problem. The club didn’t sign him up and said we’re not signing this boy who was born broken.

Have you ever felt broken before? Have you ever felt that I’m not good enough? I’m not talented enough. I’m not wealthy enough. There’s something wrong with me. yes, with this kid, he was definitely born with a broken body but not with a broken mindset. The boy was so passionate about his dream that he said, “I’m going to keep dreaming. I’m going to keep believing and I’ll do whatever it takes to make this dream come true. Even if they say it’s impossible. It’s physically impossible. He kept dreaming. At one moment, he said, “yes, I’m not as tall as others. I’m not as strong as the rest and I just have to learn how to play football in a different way”. And this boy who was nicknamed La Pulga in his home country which in English means the flea. Because he was named the biggest player of all times. This is the whole story of Leonel Messi. The guy who created history in football. Once he was asked, have you ever dreamed about this. And he said, I’ve been dreaming about this big dream, my entire life.

Winning is not just for athletes. And we do have something in common with the athletes. The distance between an elite athlete and a trophy is the exact same distance between you and your big dreams. This distance is in out mindset. Today we’ll see four practical ways unlock crazy possibilities in life.
- Big dreams
Do you know that people don’t dream big enough? Even those who thought that they dream big enough, they don’t. We all should play to win and rather we play not to lose. Play not to lose looks like you keep doing what you already know how to do. You avoid taking risk and by avoid taking risk you avoid failure. And by avoiding failure you avoid being looking dumb and lastly at a point where you feel safe. Do you sense a problem here? You feel safe at a certain point but you don’t grow. Your dream is not big enough if it doesn’t make you excited and if it isn’t scary. Big dreams require stretching beyond our current reality and using the power of our subconscious mind to create a new reality.

- Big words
The words we speak creates reality. According to the research, the most powerful and strongest two words are I AM. Yet we don’t use them that much. Among the thoughts we daily have, 80% are negative and they all are about ourselves. What they done to our self-esteem, mental health and our results. Cultivate a winning mindset by rehearsing in your mind the ideal version of yourself, focusing on happiness, health, wealth, and impact. Embrace the power of emotions as guides, not masters, and use a powerful mantra to shift from fear and anxiety to empowerment and confidence

- Big actions
Take big actions and make bold decisions that move you closer to your dreams, even if it means facing uncertainty and potential failure. Whenever your emotions move you back, just tell yourself these words, “Go for it anyway.” If you have a bit of anxiety or fear, you need not to get rid of them. They will always be there. In fact, they are the sign that you’re going big. Grab those emotions by the hand and tell them, “Let me take you dancing.” Never let your emotions to totally settle. Do it anyway.

- Big moves
Avoid the trap of being busy without moving the ball forward; prioritize the essential tasks that lead to significant results. Most of the time, we think that we’re moving the ball forward but we aren’t. Your busy schedule is the excuse to not make the big decisions you need to make to transform your life. if you think you have no time, do a brutally honest self-audit. You take an entire week and you analyze what you do hour by hour and you’ll see what unnecessary things you’ve been doing.

Winning is not about achieving things, winning is about who we become in the process of achieving them. Launch your dreams fast, overcome setbacks, and continue learning and growing, knowing that the initial struggles fuel the journey to success. Winning is not just about achieving goals but also about embracing your inner energy, listening to your aspirations, and constantly expanding. Dreams, like airplanes, require a significant amount of effort and fuel during take-off, but once they’re airborne, they can take you anywhere you want to go.
Winning is not just about achieving external success but about the personal growth and transformation that occurs along the journey. We all possess an inner force that can make any dream come true if we tap into it and embrace our full potential. Inspire and be inspired by others, as their support and encouragement can fuel your courage to pursue your dreams.
Dreams connect us to a sense of purpose and calling, and by daring to go after them, we honor our true selves. Celebrate the milestones and achievements along the way, acknowledging the progress made towards realizing your dreams. Remember that dreams evolve and change, so remain open to new possibilities and be willing to adapt your course when needed.
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