Life for humans has always been hard but I think it has become harder now in unprecedented ways. And the reason why life is really hard is actually because it has become really boring. It’s boring because how our survival needs are met. We don’t need to leave our homes to meet every physical needs as long as you’re at certain level of financial well-being. If you look at leisure time; for example, people without a high school education have 42% more leisure time than the people with college degree.
Boredom often includes feeling like your tasks are useless and not challenging. If you feel that you’re forced to do activities that don’t serve a purpose or have meaningful goals, you’re more likely to have negative emotions towards the tasks. Boredom is a universally dreaded feeling. Being bored means wanting to be engaged when you can’t. it’s our brain telling us to take action, much like pain is an important signal for danger or harm.

People who are having addiction or other mental illness are people who need more friction than other people. They’re bored and sad because they don’t have anything to do. They need to keep themselves busy in something that ignite that flame in them. I also get sad and frustrated whenever I feel like life has been the same since last days and there is nothing exciting in life. Whenever you put effort in something, you will feel better and more useful. We often feel tired, not because we have done too much, but because we haven’t done enough of what sparks a light in us.
The more time you spend looking at your phone, the emptier your life feels. I see it everywhere and I myself do it as well. Smart phones are a constant supply of entertainment and dopamine, so when you put it down and try to do normal day to day things, it seems tedious and boring. The worst thing you can do is mess around with your phone the second you wake up, as the rest of the day just seems boring. You’ve been driving in the tropical sun, taking in breathtaking sights and visiting beautiful beaches and you don’t feel anything at all. You’re just like, ‘Ok that’s a nice beach. What’s next?’. Everywhere I look, people are using their phones instead of living in the real world. Imagine traveling 7,500km to a different country, to sit on a beautiful beach only to scroll through Facebook and Tik-Tok. This is the reality we live in today.

Find your excitement in life again. You can just change your daily routine. If you wake up at 7 daily, you can wake up at 6 and go for a morning walk. Your breakfast plays important role in how you feel the whole day. Make your breakfast excited. Get excited about what you will eat in breakfast. Don’t eat the same breakfast daily. Instead plan your breakfast a night before and you’ll wake up excited thinking about the breakfast. Shake off your routine. Take little breaks between your working hours according to your stamina and needs. Plan your week ahead and make little gifts and treats for yourself that you know can lift up your mood. Planning my whole day, a night before really keeps me exciting about the next day. Learn something new and do try new recipes. Listen to your favorite music while having tea or coffee. Hang out with your friends that helps you really come back with a good mood. And most importantly, find your passion and purpose. Why you are alive? Why you’re on earth? Find yourself a goal that will keep you motivated and take small steps. Taking small steps everyday and then acknowledging your consistency and growth will really help you achieving your big goal.
And if you feel bored right now or going through that phase; let me, tell you something. It’s okay to feel bored. It’s okay to feel sad. This too shall pass. But it’s not okay to not do anything to pass through that phase. If you plan on just going with the flow of the life; that’s a wrong concept. Happiness will not come to you, you’ve to create happiness for yourself.

Good article
It all makes so much sense! Loved reading it!