Letting go can make you unstoppable. Letting go can create the best change for each and everyone of you.
There comes a time when we have to realize that what we’re fighting for isn’t fighting back for us. So, it’s time to let it go. We must learn to break free from people who continue to trifle with our feelings. Too often we try to invent ways to show them how much we care about them. Even with all our failed efforts, we still continue to try. As hard as it is, there comes a time when we have to stop caring so much about people who don’t care about us.

If anyone doesn’t appreciate you and make you feel irreplaceable in their life, or doesn’t show you how valuable you are all the time: LEAVE. Be it a partner, a job, a friend, or sometimes your own family. Just leave, your life will instantly get better.
Never take time for granted. Instead, use it to let go, to create space for things you really wanted and for what mattered the most.

Here are five ways you can use the “LET GO” theory in your life to make a better and peaceful life.
1) Let Go of Taking Things Personally.
There’s peace in knowing that the problem is sometimes the other person, especially if they’re choosing to behave that way. If people aren’t giving you what you want or not treating you badly, most of the time that’s their problem, not yours.
2) Let Go of What Other People Think.
Listen, but take heed if you trust them! There’s a rule in business that states; “whenever you’re putting something out there. 10% of people will hate it. 80% will be indifferent and 10% will be your raving fans.” And raving fans are awesome but if somebody is not a raving fan, let that be okay too.
3) Let Go of Trying to be Something That You’re Not.
Be who you are; there’s just some things you cannot change which is okay! You are you.
4) Let Go of the Need to Be Perfect.Never let anyone feel bad about yourself for things that you cannot change, ever.
5) Let Go of “Not Yet.”If there’s something you want to do, make a plan and act. Do it. Don’t wait. Make every day count.
Letting go of things that no longer serve you, the past, toxicity or negativity. Whatever it is, “Let go of it”.