Science of Goal Setting


Goal is any desired outcome that wouldn’t otherwise happen without you doing something. Goals naturally contain friction and resistance because they require you to do something. The benefits of having goals are that they make you happier. Goals suppress negative thoughts, anxiety and depression. Goals give you a sense of purpose, meaning and being up to something in.

When you have goals, they interrupt day-to-day doldrum. It gives you something to look up to. Life is harder when you have no goal. And for setting a goal, you have to set a goal that is challenging but achievable.


There are two components of setting a goal:

1.     A goal must have a WILL. Will is the motivational and emotional aspect of behavioral change. It is the WHY of your behavioral change. Why do you want to do that? Why do you want to make a change?

2.     A goal must have a WHY. Why are the cognitive and informational aspects of behavioral change? It is the HOW of behavioral change. How will you get a change? Make a plan and take little steps to change.


Your dreams matter and having dreams and fanning the flame of those dreams, it’s going to make you 10 times successful. Your dreams are your responsibilities. Your goals must align with your dreams. If you don’t know where to start, think about the end. Think about your death and what you wanna achieve before that. Thinking backwards will help you think big. It prompts you to get in touch with what matters to you.

Make an incremental illusion that says that making the first few milestones really easy to achieve, helps you to succeed. That’s why make small goals for your big dreams. Take small steps and mark your progress. Progress principle says that people who feel like they’ve made progress feel more fulfilled.


Get in touch with your people. You show greater goal commitment and performance when you tell your goal to someone you admire or whose opinion you value. Share it with your friend, sister or anyone you admire. This will motivate you to do better and achieve that goal.

And lastly, START RIGHT AWAY. Don’t wait for the weekend or the right time to come. Start it right now and make little progress day by day to make the future you proud.


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